We Love Our Pets!


Compass Homes, your Columbus custom home builders, has always considered our four legged friends family! We ensure everyone in your family, whether they are furry or not, have a place to call home!

Recently the Columbus Dispatch had an article originally done by the Associated Press that highlighted our dog den from our 2014 Parade Home. We were honored to be featured and our own Pamela Cinelli, Director of Sales and Marketing was quoted, “What people are looking for is a room that is safe for the dog when they’re away at work. Not everyone wants to crate their animal, especially big dogs — and a lot of our clients have big dogs.”

If you had a chance to stop out at the Parade, the room featured a dog shower, a dog bed and a Dutch door that keeps the dog in but is open at the top so they don’t feel so closed in.

Compass Homes, your spot for new homes in Delaware, is always forward thinking. We are open to new concepts and improving upon old ones!